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Exclusive Slots: Step-by-Step Guide for Bybit Master Traders

Copy Trading
Bybit Guide
Apr 18, 2023
5 min read

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Copy trading is a great way for traders, both beginning and experienced, to maximize their profits without having to spend too much effort. Beginning traders need not take the time to gain knowledge on crypto markets to execute trades like an expert, while experienced traders can use their knowledge to earn profits from followers who copy their trades. Whether you’re new to the copy trading scene, or you’re an experienced Master Trader, Bybit’s Exclusive Slots is certainly something you can take advantage of to maximize your profits.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Exclusive Slots unlocks additional Follower slots for Master Traders. Users of Exclusive Slots can generate several trackable invitation links, label them and send them out through various channels, such as social media.
  • Exclusive Slots is one of the first features to be introduced under the Copy Trading Private Mode.
  • Increase your Follower quota and grow your network with Bybit Exclusive Slots today.

What Is Exclusive Slots?

Exclusive Slots is one of the first features to be introduced under Copy Trading Private Mode, which presents a suite of pro features designed to grow a Master Trader’s brand and community. Exclusive Slots offers Master Traders the ultimate way to expand their Follower slots, no matter where they are on their Copy Trading journey. 

With Exclusive Slots, you'll have the power to generate custom invitation links and easily share them through your favorite social media channels. But that's not all — you can also track your progress under Follower Overview to edit, categorize and monitor the invitation statuses of your followers without fuss, giving you an unparalleled level of insight and control. 

Benefits of Exclusive Slots

With Exclusive Slots, you can immediately increase your existing Follower quota by a maximum of 500. You can choose to generate any number of slots you want per invitation link, with a maximum cap of 500 slots. Doing so enables you to set variable numbers of slots per link for different social media channels. Alternatively, you can open invitations to a set number of Followers during special events. 

Since invitation links for Exclusive Slots don’t have expiration dates, you can use them indefinitely until the slots are maxed out, so you don’t need to to constantly update your social media followers with new invitation links. Of course, you can also choose to revoke access to the invitation link and manually expire the link if you wish. 

Who Should Use Exclusive Slots?

Master Traders

Already hit the maximum number of followers allowed for your Master Trader tier? Then Exclusive Slots is for you. Simply increase your quota up to 500 slots by accessing Exclusive Slots, generating an invite link and sharing it on your preferred channel.

How to Use Exclusive Slots

Excited to use Exclusive Slots to grow your network? Follow our detailed guide to get started!

Step 1: Access your Master Trader Center and click on My Followers.

Step 2: Under the My Followers Tab, click on Invitations to access Exclusive Slots, where you can view all of the invitation links you’ve generated.

Step 3: Click on Generate Link to create a new invitation link.

Step 4: A small window will pop up. Label the invitation link for easier tracking, and set the maximum number of invitees for this specific link. Then, click on Generate Invitation Link.

Step 5: Once the invitation link has been generated, you can proceed to copy the address and share it with your followers.

If you’d like to edit either your link title or maximum number of invitees, click on Details. Similarly, if you wish to expire the invitation link with immediate effect, simply click on Revoke. This will prevent any new users who click on your link from following your trades.

Note: To check how many users have followed you via the invitation link you’ve generated, access that information under Invited. Under Following, the number of your existing Followers who have clicked on the invitation link will be indicated.

Important Tips When Using Exclusive Slots

Before you use Exclusive Slots, please keep in mind the following important tips given by our Bybit Copy Trading Team!

  • If you’re a Master Trader who’s maxed out your own public Follower quota, and you’re looking for a new way to promote your brand, try using this technique: Instead of simply and generously sending out invitation links to all of your social media followers, consider creating exclusivity for your brand by issuing special invites only to those who show their interest in following your trades. This engagement can also boost your reputation, and build brand loyalty.
  • Secondly, if you’re a new Master Trader who’s unable to find new Followers, no worries: simply use the Exclusive Slots feature to determine which social media platform is the most effective at increasing your Follower count. 

In order to do so, you’ll first want to set up multiple social media accounts if you haven’t already done so. Then, you can proceed to set up invitation links for the various social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and Discord. Once you’ve generated the links, share them on the platforms, along with your winning trades and use hashtags such as #BybitCopyTrading, so that new or interested Followers can easily find your profile.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’re a new Master Trader or an established Master Trader looking to expand your network, Exclusive Slots is a great feature to use on your Copy Trading journey. Start creating exclusivity and take your Master Trader experience to the next level today. Meanwhile, stay tuned for more exciting Copy Trading Private Mode features!

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