How to Improve Your WSOT Ranking in Trading Volume Using Bybit Options
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It’s that time of the year again! The Bybit World Series of Trading (WSOT) has begun — and it’s our biggest annual trading competition yet. With a total prize pool of 10,000,000 USDT (including a luxury yacht, Rolex watch and world-trip tickets up for grabs), Bybit is inviting all beginners and professionals to try their hands at trading crypto. The minimum amount required to participate is 500 USDT in your Bybit Unified Trading Account.
This year’s WSOT is slightly different, with a focus on leveling the playing field and promoting true trading skill over resource advantage through the use of Subaccounts. With a large portion of this year’s WSOT prize pool dedicated to Derivatives trading, you’ll no doubt be wondering about the best way to zip up those rankings and boost your trading volume. To get you started, here are some optimal crypto options strategies to wrap your head around so you can easily dominate the leaderboards.
Key Takeaways:
Bybit WSOT runs from Oct 1, 2024, 10AM UTC through Oct 31, 2024, 10AM UTC.
Find out how you can improve your WSOT ranking in trading volume using Bybit Options, and win a share of the total 10,000,000 USDT prize pool.
WSOT 2024 Ranking System
The PnL (%) will include all USDT and USDC Perpetual contracts, USDC Options, Spot trading and Spot Margin trading, as well as Leveraged Tokens. Please note that Copy Trading and MT5 volumes are not included for the Squad Showdown. Each account's trading volume will be calculated separately, and the main account's trading volume will exclude all subaccount(s)’ trading volume.
Before we delve into a variety of options strategies examples, it’s crucial to first gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to the WSOT ranking system. To summarize the core elements and fully understand how your current success and ranking on the WSOT leaderboard are calculated, you can rely on the following profit/loss formula to assess your performance.
Squad PnL (%) Reward
The Squad PnL Reward makes up 20% of the total prize pool, and will be distributed to the top 10 squads.
Squad Member’s Profit = [Account Equity (incl. unrealized PnL and/or bonus) − Initial Equity (incl. unrealized PnL and/or bonus) + Withdrawal Amount During Competition − Deposit Amount During Competition]
Squad Member’s PnL (%) points = Profit / (Initial Equity + Total Deposits) * 100% * tier weightage points
Weightage Points:
Lightweight = *10
Middleweight = *30
Heavyweight = *60
Squad's PnL (%) Points = Total PnL (%) points of top 20% members / top 20% members (members who are listed in the top 20% with trading volume of less than $50,000 and/or negative returns will be excluded) + all squad members who meet trading volume threshold. Each member who trades for more than $50,000 will contribute 0.01 points to the squad. If there are fewer than 20 members in the squad who meet the requirements, the total will still be divided by 20.
Regional Squad PnL (%) Reward
The Regional Squad PnL (%) Reward makes up 20% of the total prize pool, and the top three squads with the highest PNL (%) points within each region will share the prize. There are a total of nine regions set for WSOT 2024: English, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Ukrainian, Southeast Asian, European and Open Zone divisions.
Individual Trading Volume Reward
The Individual Trading Volume Reward makes up 20% of the total prize pool, and will be distributed among the top 100 participants. The system will calculate the trading volumes for eligible contracts, and reward participants based on the higher trading volume. Please note that those with a trading volume of less than 50,000 USDT will be excluded.
In addition, please note that assets exchanged in the UTA will not count as deposits or withdrawals. Additionally, the tokens in your UTA will be converted to their USD equivalent. Your overall PnL (%) may be affected if the prices of the tokens fluctuate.
Individual Profit Reward
The Individual Profit Reward makes up 40% of the total prize pool, and will be distributed among the top 100 participants in each tier. The system will calculate the profits of all eligible contracts based on the snapshot prices at the time of the last update.
Individual Profit = [Account Equity (incl. unrealized PnL and/or bonus) − Initial Equity (incl. unrealized PnL and/or bonus) + Withdrawal Amount During Competition − Deposit Amount During Competition]
Important Terms to Note
Deposits: Refers to accumulated deposits (including transfers, awarded bonus, commissions and asset exchange) during the competition period.
Withdrawals: Refers to accumulated withdrawals (including any withdrawals and asset exchange) during the competition period.
Initial Equity: At the beginning of the competition, if a user’s wallet balance in a specific contract currency is at least 500 USDT for more than five minutes, the system will record that balance as the initial equity for the competition.
Account Equity: To be calculated every five minutes until the conclusion of the competition.
Armed with this knowledge, let's now dive into an array of intriguing options strategies you can consider to further enhance your performance and overall success.
Examples of Options Strategies to Get You Started
Taking High Risk With Affordable Out-of-the-Money (OTM) Options
Although thought of as a lottery ticket options strategy, buying OTM options grants traders the potential for large returns despite the low odds of success. In buying OTM options as a derivatives trader, you're attempting to hit a home run by purchasing plenty of affordable, low premium options. This can be the result of either the options' strike prices being far OTM, or the options contracts possessing a brief time to expiration.
Since close-to-expiration OTM options contracts typically cost a fraction of what long-dated ITM options contracts do, this can be a valid strategy for traders ahead of an upcoming catalyst if they expect significant movement because of expected volatility.
On the flip side, instead of buying these short-dated OTM options, you can choose to construct bearish options strategies that let you write these options contracts without requiring you to undertake excessive risk. This might be lucrative during times of stable market prices, since these OTM options will expire worthless because of the lack of volatility.
By building a portfolio of bearish options strategies, such as bear call and bear put spreads, traders are banking on making a small amount of profit with a high probability of success.
Playing It Safe by Trading Deep In-the-Money (ITM) Options
For more risk-averse derivatives traders, deep ITM options offer traders a low-risk way to profit from the markets. The key to success in this case is to buy options with strike prices significantly lower than the underlying cryptocurrency's current price. By doing this, traders can take advantage of large gains in a relatively short period of time without taking on the full risk of owning the underlying crypto.
This ultimately gives deep ITM options traders the choice of buying or selling crypto at their desired ITM strike price, without committing the full amount of capital that traders would generally allocate if they didn’t trade ITM options. Additionally, because deep ITM options have more intrinsic value than other types of options, they also tend to be less volatile with less exposure to time decay. Essentially, this means that even if there’s a short-term market correction or volatility spike, trading deep ITM options can still create a benefit from the underlying asset’s price movement, allowing traders to enjoy higher profitability as compared to trading other types of options contracts.
Getting Strategic With Covered Call and Covered Put Options
If you’re confident of the market’s direction, and want to generate additional profits in the form of options premiums from the coins you’re currently holding, then using covered call and covered put options strategies will be your best bet.
In short, covered calls help reduce downside risk by allowing traders to receive premium payments in exchange for limiting their upside potential, while covered puts allow traders to benefit from price declines without having to short the underlying coin and endure the risk of unlimited losses.
Should the price exceed the strike price of the written options contract, traders simply have to forego the underlying coin they’re holding at the agreed-upon strike price.
One way options traders can profit from covered call and put strategies is to write an OTM call or put so that they’ll feel comfortable selling (or buying back) the coin they own (at the specific strike price, and at a profit), while also gaining some profit from the premiums of the written options contracts.
Leveraging On High Volatility Options With Multi-Legged Options Strategies Such as the Iron Condor
By using a multi-legged options strategy, such as an iron condor, traders can benefit from reducing risk while still achieving potential profits.
Unlike other strategies, which involve buying or selling one option, an iron condor involves the purchase and writing of two sets of put and call options at different strike prices, so that the written call and put is more ITM than the purchased call and put options. This complicated four-legged strategy allows crypto options traders to hedge their positions, as the price of an underlying coin will have to move excessively in either direction significantly before losses are incurred.
Additionally, with this type of strategy the investor has more control over their investment because they know the maximum profit and loss in the event of a sudden spike in price. Since all four legs of the Iron Condor are bought and sold at different strike prices (in order to create the spread), an investor's total capital requirement is much lower than with other options strategies.
With these benefits combined, it’s easy to see why many investors choose to use a multi-legged strategy like the iron condor when trading in options markets. The only deterrent (which can be overcome) is the strategy’s complex execution.
The Bottom Line
After delving into deep ITM options and unraveling the complexities of iron-condor options strategies, we trust that this guide has provided you with valuable insights to improve your ranking in this year’s WSOT.
When it comes to trading crypto derivatives, it's important to remember that success is subjective, and depends upon your personal trading style and approach to the crypto market. It ultimately boils down to your ability to maximize profit, while mitigating overall risk and downside exposure.
Are you ready to test your mettle? Take the plunge! Sign up for WSOT today to seize your share of the highly coveted 10,000,000 USDT prize pool. Don't miss out on this once-a-year opportunity to showcase your trading prowess!
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